a little about me

Hello and thanks so much for being here! I’m Bek MacGeekie. Growing up I had the nickname “Cheeky MacGeekie”, partly because of the size my cheeks expand to when I laugh, and partly because of my sense of humour. I was raised in the North East where not taking yourself seriously is a necessary tool for survival.

I’m now based in Brighton, my all time favourite place. I’m in the LGBTQ+ community AND vegan so I really do feel at home here.

I have a son: my rescue pup from Battersea Dogs Home who goes by the following names: Buddy, BudBud, Little Muffin, Gremlin Bat Dog and Scruff Monster. I adopted him whilst volunteering there and he is so adorable it makes me want to cry on a daily basis.

I’m also a devoted plant mum to an ever-growing amount of house plants.

When I'm not creating films or finding foliage to take photos through, you’ll find me editing/drinking tea at my co-working space, strolling the beach with the pup, learning lines (I’m also a part-time actor), making a mess in the kitchen, rolling out the yoga mat or getting competitive playing games at the pub with friends.